


Dear candidates,

If you have taken IELTS (even a mock IELTS test) in the past 5 months or have attended our courses, you do not need to do the placement test. All you need to do is click on ‘Take This Course’ button and then contact the admin on Telegram or Whatsapp. (+17785132713)

The Placement Test is comprised of 3 Sections.

  • Speaking: In this section, you are asked to record yourself talking about a given topic for a minute or two and submit the recorded file. (MP3 or Zipped files preferably)
  • Writing: In this section, you are asked to write a paragraph or two about a given topic.
  • Reading and Use of English: Here you have to answer a number of questions listed in 2 pages.

Important Note: The questions in this Placement Test are all aimed at specific areas of language awareness and skills. Thus you are advised AGAINST assessing yourself based on the degree of difficulty of the questions while answering them. Being unable to answer some of the questions DOES NOT mean you may be disqualified to take the courses. Respond to as many questions as you can with no agitation.

Attention: Please click on ‘SUBMIT/ANSWER’ button at the bottom of each page once you are through with EACH section, otherwise your audio file (speaking), writing assignment and answers (Reading and Use of English) will not be sent to the Admin.

Course Curriculum

Speaking Details 75:01
Writing Details 37:00
Use of English and Reading 00:37:00
  • FREE
  • 4 weeks, 2 days
  • Number Of Assignments2